

Hi there
I am a passionate neurofeedback self-trainer based in Switzerland.

After experiencing neurofeedback as a client (ILF, Othmer / Neuroptimal) I always dreamed of having the equipment to do it on my own.

After I discovered brain-trainer.con (van Deusen) I could finally make that dream into reality. :grin:

Neurofeedback as a whole is fascinating me. What I learned from my experience as a client and self-trainer so far, is that an open and experimental (but carful) approach to brain training is needed.

I think that while the formalised medical approach has a right to exist, acess to this technology should not be limited to medical/therapeutic staff only.

I am convinced that open exchange and democratisation of the technology is crucial for the advancement in this field.

Looking forward to discussions and exchanges :grin: