Advice for starting a practice

Hello, new guy here. I am physician with only one year of postgraduate training. I’ve got a lot of strikes against me in my career and don’t see myself getting into a decent residency program. A lot of low-tier programs are not returning my calls anyway.

I only want to do general practice, and the pay isn’t even worth it. So I am seriously thinking about starting my own neurofb practice. After getting out of residency, I’d just want to do that anyway.

So here’s my questions:

  1. Is this even a good idea?

  2. Would my lack of post-graduate training be a liability or held against me by other physicians in the area?

  3. Would there be anyway for me to practice “dry” medicine? E.g. I don’t write scripts for meds.

Thank you all.

Mark, hi.

There are a number of MD’s listed on the BCIA list. I’d suggest contacting one of them and asking some of your questions. Tom Brod is a really excellent choice and is an expert in many fields.

Put ‘CA’ in the State box and hit Submit button. You can also visit his website. He is a UCLA prof as well. More info on BCIA,

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Dude, You spent all that time and money on school. IMO you would be dumb not to do a residency in anything. That is where you really learn medicine. If you want to understand the body or brain do the residency. You don’t have to go to Harvard to get a good education. BTW I am an MD.