Apparently Cygnet does not make software anymore to run InnerTube Cygnet on Bioexplorer. I would like to be able to do that. Maybe I need to buy used software from someone who has this? They used to make this.
Jeanne, hi.
“Apparently Cygnet does not make software anymore to run InnerTube Cygnet on Bioexplorer.”
The Othmer’s Cygnet is a collection of hardware, software. (1) a custom amplifier designed to their specs (the NeuroAmp II). (2) a BioEra based protocol package that trains with their ILF and Alpha-Theta protocols.
As far as I know they have not used Bioexplorer for MANY years. And the work at that time was not the ILF work they do now. In fact Bioexplorer is not well adapted to do precision ILF protocols in the millihertz range. You can read about the evolution of the Othmer protocols in a number of online papers.
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