Looking for BCI users interested in Web3/Mindfulness

We are building an app that incentivizes users with cryptocurrency to track their meditation biodata (EEG data, heart rate), and analyzes their data with AI to create a better meditation for them.

Our closed alpha version will be launching sometime in August and we are looking for BCI users to be the first to test our app. Closed alpha testers will receive the first free NFTs which in the future will have to be purchased to be able to earn tokens in the app. If you are interested, let us know!

Demo: https://twitter.com/nyneurotech/status/1543423242014433280?s=20&t=bvxE0pLxN7-Qj67_EfoTiw

For more details you can check out our lite paper here: Introduction - Mindland

We can also be reached on our Twitter: @MndlndOfficial