Hey all!!!
So I would like to know if anyone can help me with the following:
I attended a seminar about neurofeedback and Mini-Q and they did an interpretation regarding the amplitude brainwave values registered during a Mini-Q on the Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma waves at various positions such as Pz.
They presented the values and they did an analysis. For example, they said that at the Pz position, the SMR wave with an amplitude of 5.7 was too high.
In another study, I read that for example, after doing a Mini-Q, at the Pz position, the delta wave showed an amplitude of 8.3.
I would like to know under what numerical criteria is Alpha too high or to low, for example. The same with the Theta, Beta, Delta and Gamma waves.
In other words, from what value to what value is the brainwave amplitude of Alpha, Theta, Beta, Delta and Gamma high, normal, or low.
In neither of the cases they talked about a normative data base and that in the Mini-Q such database like the NeuroGuide does not exist.
In conclusion, does anyone know what are the normal amplitude values of Delta, Theta, Beta, Alpha and Gamma waves???
Thanks so much for your help!!