Recruiting: Participate in a study about BCI authentication!

Hi NeuroBB,

My name is Josh Carr and I’m a researcher at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada studying BCIs. For my Master’s thesis I’m conducting a study about BCI authentication. As part of this, I’m hoping to conduct interviews with some users and/or researchers about their thoughts and opinions about privacy, cybersecurity, and authentication with regard to BCIs. In particular I’m interested in discussing non-invasive commercial BCI devices (i.e., Emotiv, OpenBCI, Neurosky, Muse) that are used in a non-medical context.

The interview would be done over the phone or via Skype and would last approximately 1 hour. All data collected from the interview will be anonymized and stripped of any information that could potentially be used to identify you. You must be over the age of 18 to participate. If you are interested in participating, please contact me by email at or send me a private message through NeuroBB.

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

The ethics protocol for this study has been reviewed and cleared by the Carleton University Research Ethics Board [CUREB-B Clearance # 111922].

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