Hello friend! I want to make an application that translate eeg signal to Natural language. .For Example: if end user think any Alphabet i.e ‘A’, A will be write on Notepad etc. I want to enquire about cost estimation on hardware, also hardwares required for that. Additionally Please tell me the software plateforms. Advance Thanks to all friends. these questions teasing me alot.
I know C/C++/C#/.NET/Python/HTML/CSS/SQL (if needed anywhere)
The technical term for this is “P300 Speller”, or BCI Speller try some Google searches. A commercial product is available from g.tec, called Intendex. An old open source project, that needs some attention is here,
The OpenViBE CoAdapt P300 Speller, was in sync with the main OpenViBE release. That is no longer the case. There is some work being done, see the OpenViBE user forum. Search for Speller.
Really thanks Mr.William.