Selling OpenBCI Mark IV headset + Cyton Board

Hello researchers,

I’m selling:

  1. Mark IV headset (Medium, up to 8 channels), Pro-assembled (original price: $799.99)
    see Ultracortex "Mark IV" EEG Headset – OpenBCI Online Store

  2. Cyton Board (8 channels) (original price: $499.99)

Both items together would cost $1300 on the website.
As this has been only used for a technical connectivity test but never in field studies, the set is practically new.
So my sales offer is on $750 (42.3% discount) plus $70 for international shipping.
I would lower the price for serious purchasing offers soon!


I am interested to buy but I have few questions before I make any decision. Would you mind sharing your thoughts?

  1. Can I just buy Cyton board kit(8 channels) without the headset. I don’t like the headset, my personal opinion. I am sorry about that. What would be the offer you would make just for the Cyton board?

  2. Since I am based in Canada, it is going to be international shipping, for which I am willing to pay extra $70 but can you package it such a way that I don’t have to pay for the customs at the border? We can figure this out together once we work out the final price.

  3. Can you please share a video or something to demonstrate its current state of working. I would like to know if there was any defect or hardware issue.

Thank you so much.

P.S. you can contact me at my personal email - ixd.abhi [ @ ] g m a i

Be safe.

Hi blackbrain,

thanks a lot for your request.
unfortunately, i don’t intend to sell the cyton separately.
will let you know if that changes in the future!

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Cool no problem. :smile: Be safe

Both are sold now, sorry!