What's a good visual entrainment/SSVEP setup?

I’d like to tinker with Steady State Visually Evoked Potentials (SSVEPs) and visual entrainment, and I’m not sure what’s the best method.

I’ve tried OpenViBE’s SSVEP scenario (with decent results: entrainment was visible in the spectrogram), and there are various “movies” that you can download, but the impression I get is that if you do it with a computer screen you’ll get 60Hz interference unless your entrainment frequency is a division of 60 Hz, which is not ideal. (I assume this is because the flickering of the screen at 60 Hz would ‘cut up’ the flickering at the entrainment frequency?)

My current plan is to use an Arduino, a 1W LED, and a good diffuser, but I’d like to get an idea of what others are using (especially if it’s open source) so I don’t reinvent the wheel.

What kind of setup have you used for visual entrainment, and what would you recommend I try?


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